Is the Brazilian Bottom not genetic?

Is the Brazilian Bottom not genetic?

I remember, it was 1999, and Jennifer Lopez exploded into our life without a warning, everybody at their own level of secretly imitating the current beauty ideal, according to the rigorous rules of that age’s demands of an almost anorexic xs-s sizes, I myself was battling the Xth step of my Yth diet.
No, it was not her voice that made her entrance memorable.
This Puerto Rican girl came, and in the course of one week, overturned the hitherto orderly contemporary ideas about female buttocks.
She felt no shame about her round shape. She acknowledged, literally in front of the whole world that this is the way she is, complete, whole and happy.
Instead of running to a first class, extra efficient training camp, so that she may fit the 90/60/90 dream category, before shootings, she posed on the covers of the most famous magazines in tiny panties.
Instead of continuing the everlasting trend of offering diet advice to her audience, she slapped her own bum in the middle of her photo series and quipped, to the crew’s astonishment: “but you can drink black coffee from my butt”.
From this wonderfully simple moment on, we once again dared to wear pants that were tight in the back area, without having to wear a knee-length tunic to hide our lower assets, that is, if we had any assets.

After fifteen years, everything’s changed.
Nowadays, the skeletal butt is no longer the dream shape, it has been replaced by the so-called “brazil” round butt. Almost every Hungarian and Non-Hungarian girl dreams of the backside of the bikini-clad girls from Rio. We spend our year sweating on the stair machine in a 0-24 gym, to achieve this form. And it doesn’t even occur to us, would you have thought that what we suspect about the south American genetic marvels, is actually an astutely devised, and encoded false belief system? At the ugly truth’s core is the fact that in Brazil, buttock implants have become more popular than breast implants.

The hips and buttocks are very important elements of an aesthetic and proportionate body. Due to these deviations in shape, some people have to take the side roads when it comes to fashion, with small tricks, the overall image can be improved, but we cannot create substantial changes with a few, well-chosen items of clothing. And the approaching bikini season is a practiced and ruthless opponent.

Luckily, in the last few decades, butt implants have gone through notable improvements, just like breast implants. It is a good feeling, to know that there is a secret Plan-B, something that offers a quick, effective and permanent solution. Due to the fast rate at which information spreads, these procedures have become popular even in our small country, because they truly offer final and real solutions.

If you would like to know more about what the beautiful, round buttocks are like at the Rt. Clinic’s round world, head over to the website, where you’ll find all the important information about the procedure!
I can recommend it from the bottom of my heart and the bottom of my pants.